
Member state of the European Union

State that is a participant in the treaties of the European Union (EU)

Member state of the European Union    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Member state of the European Union: State that is a participant in the treaties of the European Union (EU)
The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are party to the EU's founding treaties, and thereby subject to the privileges and obligations of membership. They have agreed by the treaties to share their own sovereignty through the institutions of the European Union in certain aspects of government. State governments must agree unanimously in the Council for the union to adopt some policies; for others, collective decisions are made by qualified majority voting. These obligations and sharing of sovereignty within the EU make it unique among international organisations, as it has established its own legal order which by the provisions of the founding treaties is both legally binding and supreme on all the member states. A founding principle of the union is subsidiarity, meaning that decisions are taken collectively if and only if they cannot realistically be taken individually.

Czech Republic celebrates two decades of European Union membership [Video]

Czech Republic celebrates two decades of European Union membership

European Union figures have lent their support to Ukraine joining the bloc as the Czech Republic commemorates 20 years of European Union Member State status with an event at Prague Castle in the..

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 02:03Published

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