
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

American late-night talk show

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: American late-night talk show
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is an American late-night talk and satire television program hosted by comedian John Oliver. The half-hour-long show premiered in the end of April 2014 on HBO and currently premieres simultaneously on the network and Max. Last Week Tonight shares some similarities with Comedy Central's The Daily Show, as the show takes a satirical look at news, politics and current events, but on a weekly basis.

John Oliver Relishes All 34 Trump Guilty Verdicts: "Undeniably Fun To Watch" | THR News Video [Video]

John Oliver Relishes All 34 Trump Guilty Verdicts: "Undeniably Fun To Watch" | THR News Video

John Oliver is joining the growing list of Hollywood notables who have reacted to Donald Trump's guilty verdict in his New York hush money trial. A jury found the former president guilty on all 34..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:21Published

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