
Sarfraz Bugti

21st Chief Minister of Balochistan

Sarfraz Bugti    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Mir Sarfraz Bugti is a Pakistani politician who is currently serving as the Chief Minister of Balochistan since March 2024. He belongs to the Pakistan People's Party. Prior to his current role, Bugti has served as Home and Tribal Affairs Minister of Balochistan. Bugti also served as a senator of Pakistan from March 2015 to March 2021.

Devastating Terrorist Attack In Pakistan: Seven Barbers Executed Point-Blank in Gwadar Port [Video]

Devastating Terrorist Attack In Pakistan: Seven Barbers Executed Point-Blank in Gwadar Port

Seven workers were tragically killed in a terrorist attack in Pakistan's Gwadar port city on May 9. The assailants, unidentified gunmen, targeted a residential area near Gwadar Fish Harbour, leaving..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:12Published

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