
Lucas Bravo

French actor

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Lucas Bravo: French actor
Lucas Nicolas Bravo is a French actor and model. He is best known for starring in the Netflix romantic comedy series Emily in Paris (2020โ€“present) as chef Gabriel, Emily's downstairs love interest. He is also known for his roles in the comedy-drama Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (2022) and the romantic comedies Ticket to Paradise (2022), and The Honeymoon (2022).

'Emily in Paris' Season 4 First Look: Lily Collins Gets Cozy with Lucas Bravo in New Photos | THR News Video [Video]

'Emily in Paris' Season 4 First Look: Lily Collins Gets Cozy with Lucas Bravo in New Photos | THR News Video

Our first look at season four of 'Emily in Paris' is here! Several photos from the forthcoming season just dropped. The Netflix series will premiere in two, five-episode installments, with part one..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:18Published

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