
Grenfell Tower

Residential building in London ravaged by fire in 2017

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Grenfell Tower: Residential building in London ravaged by fire in 2017
Grenfell Tower is a derelict 24-storey residential tower block in North Kensington in London, England. The tower was completed in 1974 as part of the first phase of the Lancaster West Estate. Most of the tower was destroyed in a severe fire on 14 June 2017.


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Grenfell, COVID and Infected Blood families 'have no faith' inquiry recommendations will be properly carried out

A 'silent walk' will take place in West London today to commemorate the 7th anniversary of the Grenfell Tower disaster that claimed 72 lives.
Sky News - Published

Advert taken down after viewers appalled to find Grenfell Tower edited out of scene

An advert for pain relief gel Voltarol has been taken down after being criticised for editing Grenfell Tower out.
Sky News - Published

Disabled people in tower blocks 'still at risk' seven years on from Grenfell fire

The government has been accused of 'putting disabled people's lives at risk' by failing to implement all of the recommendations from the Grenfell Inquiry - as the London Fire Brigade (LFB) says it has..
Sky News - Published

Grenfell six years on: 'Frustration over lack of change is turning to anger'

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A former Grenfell Tower resident has said the community's frustration is turning to anger with the lack of change prompted by the fire which killed 72 people six years ago.
Sky News - Published

'The post-Grenfell cladding scandal has left me penniless and about to go bankrupt'

'the post-grenfell cladding scandal has left me penniless and about to go bankrupt'
Malcolm Cameron-Lee thought he was doing the right thing when he decided to invest his lifesavings into property twenty years ago to fund a comfortable retirement.
Sky News - Published

More than 900 people agree civil settlement over Grenfell Tower fire

more than 900 people agree civil settlement over grenfell tower fire
A group of more than 900 survivors, bereaved family members and residents have agreed a settlement of their civil claims arising from the Grenfell Tower fire.
Sky News - Published

Michael Gove names and shames developers who have not signed post-Grenfell safety contract

michael gove names and shames developers who have not signed post-grenfell safety contract
Flat owners say more needs to be done to "save them from ruin" after developers who have not yet agreed to fix post-Grenfell safety defects were named and shamed in the Commons.
Sky News - Published

Woman in court accused of lying about losing her home in Grenfell Tower fire

woman in court accused of lying about losing her home in grenfell tower fire
A woman has appeared in court accused of falsely claiming to have lost her home in the Grenfell Tower fire in a series of alleged frauds totalling nearly £400,000.
Sky News - Published

Gove apologises to Grenfell victims' families

gove apologises to grenfell victims' families
Michael Gove has apologised to the families affected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy and admitted that "faulty and ambiguous" government guidance was part of the reason why the fire occurred.
Sky News - Published

'Faulty and ambiguous' government guidance partially to blame for Grenfell tragedy, Gove admits

'faulty and ambiguous' government guidance partially to blame for grenfell tragedy, gove admits
The government is partially to blame for the Grenfell Tower tragedy because of "faulty and ambiguous" government guidance, Michael Gove has said.
Sky News - Published

Government homes in on £5bn cladding settlement with housebuilders

government homes in on £5bn cladding settlement with housebuilders
Michael Gove, the levelling up secretary, is closing in on a multibillion pound deal with Britain's biggest housebuilders to help resolve the national cladding crisis exposed by the 2017 Grenfell Tower..
Sky News - Published

'Grenfell 2 is potentially in the post': Survivors insulted as long-running inquiry comes to close

'grenfell 2 is potentially in the post': survivors insulted as long-running inquiry comes to close
It's been a week of closing statements at the Grenfell Tower inquiry, but for the survivors, there is still no closure.
Sky News - Published

Names of 72 Grenfell fire victims read out at five-year anniversary service

names of 72 grenfell fire victims read out at five-year anniversary service
The names of each of the 72 victims of the Grenfell Tower fire have been read out to mark five years since the tragedy.
Sky News - Published

Grenfell survivor still 'drives home' to the 'vertical village' five years after the fire

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A survivor of the Grenfell disaster says she has moments when she forgets what happened and finds herself "driving towards the tower".
Sky News - Published

Almost 1,500 children treated for trauma over Grenfell fire - with bonfires and candles 'triggering' survivors

almost 1,500 children treated for trauma over grenfell fire - with bonfires and candles 'triggering' survivors
Almost 1,500 children have been treated for trauma over the Grenfell fire, figures obtained by Sky News show.
Sky News - Published

Man pleads guilty to sharing 'offensive' video of Grenfell Tower model on fire

A man has admitted sending a "grossly offensive" video of a cardboard model of Grenfell Tower burning on a bonfire.
Sky News - Published

Council's 'chaotic' Grenfell response was 'severely damaging' to survivors, inquiry hears

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Sky News - Published

Ministers have 'failed to complete a single recommendation' from Grenfell Tower inquiry, Sadiq Khan says

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The government has "failed to complete a single recommendation" from the public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire, London mayor Sadiq Khan has said.
Sky News - Published

Mercedes & Kingspan end sponsorship deal

Mercedes' sponsorship deal with Kingspan, a firm that made insulation material involved in the Grenfell Tower disaster, is ended a week after its announcement.
BBC Sport - Published

Mercedes F1 team ends sponsorship deal with Grenfell insulation firm Kingspan

The Mercedes Formula One team has confirmed it has ended its controversial tie-up with a company that made some of the insulation used in Grenfell Tower.
Sky News - Published

Sir Lewis Hamilton says he had 'nothing to do' with Mercedes deal with Grenfell firm

sir lewis hamilton says he had 'nothing to do' with mercedes deal with grenfell firm
Sir Lewis Hamilton has said he had "nothing to do" with the Mercedes F1 team's partnership deal with Kingspan - an insulation firm linked to the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Sky News - Published

Backlash against Mercedes F1 team over Grenfell insulation firm sponsorship

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The Mercedes Formula One team, which includes Britain's Lewis Hamilton in its driver line-up, is facing a backlash for a sponsorship deal from a company which made some of the insulation used on..
Sky News - Published

Grenfell survivors demand government action after Gove admits people still living in unsafe buildings

grenfell survivors demand government action after gove admits people still living in unsafe buildings
The campaign group of survivors and relatives of those killed in the Grenfell Tower fire has urged the government to "put its money where its mouth is" after Michael Gove said people are still living..
Sky News - Published

Work to end Grenfell cladding scandal to take another three-and-a-half years, data suggests

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The removal of dangerous cladding from high-risk buildings is unlikely to be complete until seven-and-a-half years after the Grenfell Tower tragedy, government data suggests.
Sky News - Published

Grenfell survivors accuse government of trying to demolish the tower block without consulting them

grenfell survivors accuse government of trying to demolish the tower block without consulting them
Grenfell survivors and relatives of the bereaved have accused the government of trying to demolish the tower block without consulting them.
Sky News - Published