
Megiddo prison

Israeli prison

Megiddo prison    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Megiddo prison: Israeli prison
Megiddo Prison is an Israeli prison facility located near the Megiddo Junction. It was built over the ruins of the Jewish village of Othnai, which was later replaced by a Roman army camp. Remains of one of the oldest churches in the world have been found there. The depopulated Palestinian village of Lajjun is also located nearby.

LEAKED IDF Video: Israeli Prison Footage Shows Palestinians' Assault, Hamas Vows Revenge [Video]

LEAKED IDF Video: Israeli Prison Footage Shows Palestinians' Assault, Hamas Vows Revenge

Hamas has criticized Israel's treatment of Palestinian detainees in Megiddo Prison, citing leaked footage showing alleged abuse. The group called for international organizations to document these..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:07Published

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