
Islamic Resistance in Iraq

Islamist insurgent network in Iraq

Islamic Resistance in Iraq    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Islamic Resistance in Iraq: Islamist insurgent network in Iraq
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq is a network of Iranian-backed Shia Islamist insurgent groups in Iraq. It is an umbrella term or generic name used by these groups, when carrying out attacks against American and allied forces in the region.

Iraq’s Islamic Resistance and Houthis Unleash Devastating Blitz on Israel | Watch [Video]

Iraq’s Islamic Resistance and Houthis Unleash Devastating Blitz on Israel | Watch

In a significant escalation, Yemeni armed forces and Islamic Resistance forces in Iraq have launched coordinated military operations targeting the Israeli regime, in response to what they describe as a..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:06Published

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