
Grenfell United

Social activist group of Grenfell Tower fire survivors

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Grenfell United is a pressure group made up of the families of victims and survivors of the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire. The first formal meeting of Grenfell United took place on Saturday 24 June 2017. The minutes read: โ€œResidents are not present as individuals. They must organise and they must establish a structure.โ€ They had been convened by Father McTernan, a local Irish priest, who had worked for decades in conflict resolution.

Grenfell United: Human life was never a priority [Video]

Grenfell United: Human life was never a priority

Grenfell United has said the victims of the fire 'paid the price' for the 'systematic dishonesty and institutional indifference' found at every level by the Inquiry. Survivor Natasha Elcock called..

Credit: ODN     Duration: 03:39Published

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