
Drone warfare

Attack by one or more unmanned combat aerial vehicles

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Drone warfare: Attack by one or more unmanned combat aerial vehicles
Drone warfare is a form of aerial warfare or marine warfare using unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAV) or weaponized commercial unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The United States, United Kingdom, Israel, China, South Korea, Iran, Iraq, Italy, France, India, Pakistan, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and Poland are known to have manufactured operational UCAVs as of 2019.

Moscow Attacked: Putin's Response Imminent After Russian Capital Rocked By Ukraine's Drone Attacks [Video]

Moscow Attacked: Putin's Response Imminent After Russian Capital Rocked By Ukraine's Drone Attacks

Moscow's Mayor Sobyanin revealed a Ukrainian attempt to attack with a drone, intercepted near the city. No harm was reported. An air raid alert was sounded in Belgorod following an earlier attack, with..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:30Published

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