
Rafah offensive

Planned Israeli offensive

Rafah offensive    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Rafah offensive: Planned Israeli offensive
The Rafah offensive is a planned offensive in the city of Rafah, part of Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip. Israel announced plans to invade the city in February 2024, and conducted intensified airstrikes as a result.

Biden Administration Blocks Weapons Shipment to Israel Amid Dispute over Rafah Offensive | OneIndia [Video]

Biden Administration Blocks Weapons Shipment to Israel Amid Dispute over Rafah Offensive | OneIndia

The Biden administration recently halted a shipment of U.S.-made ammunition to Israel, a move that stirred concerns within the Israeli government. This marks the first instance since the Oct. 7 attack..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 02:22Published
Israel Pitches Rafah Offensive Will Proceed Despite Gaza Truce Talks: Reports | Oneindia News [Video]

Israel Pitches Rafah Offensive Will Proceed Despite Gaza Truce Talks: Reports | Oneindia News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu affirmed plans for a ground assault on Gaza's Rafah city, disregarding ceasefire negotiations with Hamas. Despite US pressure for de-escalation, Netanyahu..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 02:09Published

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