
Barry McCarthy

Irish cricketer

Barry McCarthy    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Barry John McCarthy is an Irish cricketer. He made his first-class debut in 2015, and plays for the Ireland cricket team, and previously the English side Durham. Primarily a right-arm medium pace bowler, he also bats right handed.

Pitch Battle EP 2: Hardik Pandya, Rishabh Pant The X Factors For India T20 WC - Post-Match Analysis [Video]

Pitch Battle EP 2: Hardik Pandya, Rishabh Pant The X Factors For India T20 WC - Post-Match Analysis

Join our sports specialists as they dissect Rishabh Pant's audacious reverse scoop for six against Ireland's Barry McCarthy, reminiscent of his unforgettable Stroke against England's James Anderson...

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 39:06Published

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