
Vyacheslav Gladkov

Russian statesman and politician

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Vyacheslav Gladkov: Russian statesman and politician
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Gladkov is a Russian politician serving as the governor of Belgorod Oblast since 27 September 2021. He served as the acting governor from 18 November 2020 before his election. He is a member of the ruling United Russia party.

Putin Orders To Bomb Kharkiv Supermarket, Multiple Ukrainians Killed; Zelensky Retaliates | Oneindia [Video]

Putin Orders To Bomb Kharkiv Supermarket, Multiple Ukrainians Killed; Zelensky Retaliates | Oneindia

At least four people were killed and over a dozen injured in Ukrainian drone and artillery attacks on Russia's Belgorod Region. The strikes targeted the city of Belgorod and nearby villages, causing..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:09Published
Ukrainian Unleashes Missile Attack on Russia's Belgorod as Moscow Marks Victory Day, Putin responds [Video]

Ukrainian Unleashes Missile Attack on Russia's Belgorod as Moscow Marks Victory Day, Putin responds

Russian authorities reported that at least eight people were injured in Ukrainian attacks in and around the western Russian city of Belgorod. The assaults occurred as the nation commemorated the 79th..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:01Published
Russia-Ukraine War: 6 Lives Lost, 35 Injured in Ukrainian Drone Attack in  Belgorod | Oneindia News [Video]

Russia-Ukraine War: 6 Lives Lost, 35 Injured in Ukrainian Drone Attack in Belgorod | Oneindia News

A tragic incident unfolds in Russia's Belgorod region as a Ukrainian drone targets worker vehicles, resulting in 6 fatalities and 35 injuries. Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov reports on the devastating..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 02:02Published

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