
Swaraj Abhiyan

Indian political party

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Swaraj Abhiyan is an Indian political party that began on 14 April 2015. It was formed by Yogendra Yadav and anti-corruption activist Prashant Bhushan in Gurgaon following their expulsion from the Aam Aadmi Party. The organisation claims to transform ideology into reality and to achieve Swaraj in all aspects of life - political, economical, social and cultural. On 31 July 2016, Swaraj Abhiyan announced the decision to form a political front, Swaraj India. Subsequently, on 2 October 2016, a political party - Swaraj India was announced, with intention to participate in local body elections to start with.

Yogendra Yadav on the Future of Governance and Changes in PM Modi's Stature | Oneindia Exclusive [Video]

Yogendra Yadav on the Future of Governance and Changes in PM Modi's Stature | Oneindia Exclusive

In this insightful interview, political activist and founder of Swaraj India, Yogendra Yadav, discusses the potential changes in governance and the impact on Prime Minister Modi's stature following..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 04:13Published
Where Did BJP Go Wrong? Political Activist Yogendra Yadav Sheds Light on the Unexpected Numbers [Video]

Where Did BJP Go Wrong? Political Activist Yogendra Yadav Sheds Light on the Unexpected Numbers

In this compelling interview, Yogendra Yadav, activist and founder of Swaraj India, offers a critical analysis of recent political events in India. Yadav discusses the inaccuracies of exit polls, the..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 06:40Published
Oneindia Exclusive: Yogendra Yadav Exposes Media's '400 Paar' Narrative and BJP's Overconfidence [Video]

Oneindia Exclusive: Yogendra Yadav Exposes Media's '400 Paar' Narrative and BJP's Overconfidence

In this compelling interview, Yogendra Yadav, activist and founder of Swaraj India, offers a critical analysis of recent political events in India. Yadav discusses the inaccuracies of exit polls, the..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:14Published

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