
National Congress of Argentina

Bicameral legislature of Argentina

National Congress of Argentina    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

National Congress of Argentina: Bicameral legislature of Argentina
The National Congress of Argentina is the legislative branch of the government of Argentina. Its composition is bicameral, constituted by a 72-seat Senate and a 257-seat Chamber of Deputies. The Senate, a third of whose members are elected to six-year renewable terms every two years, consists of three representatives from each province and the federal capital. The Chamber of Deputies, whose members are elected to four-year terms, is apportioned according to population, and renews their members by a half each two years.

Argentine Congress upholds Milei veto of pensions increase amid protests [Video]

Argentine Congress upholds Milei veto of pensions increase amid protests

Credit: FRANCE 24 English     Duration: 01:26Published

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