
Universal Credit

British social security benefit

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Universal Credit is a United Kingdom social security payment. It is means-tested and is replacing and combining six benefits, for working-age households with a low income: income-related Employment and Support Allowance, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, and Income Support; Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit; and Housing Benefit. An award of UC is made up of different elements, which become payable to the claimant if relevant criteria apply: a standard allowance for singles or couples, child elements and disabled child elements for children in the household, housing cost element, childcare costs element, as well as elements for being a carer or having an illness or disability and therefore having limited capability to work.


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£50m benefit fraud gang claimed Universal Credit on an 'industrial scale'

Five members of a benefit fraud gang who falsely claimed £50m in Universal Credit have been brought down in the largest prosecution of its type in English legal history.
Sky News - Published

Watch: Criminal convicted of £50m benefit fraud throws stack of £20 notes in the air

One of five Bulgarian nationals who falsely claimed £50m in Universal Credit filmed themselves throwing a stack of £20 notes in the air.
Sky News - Published

Millions of children are in poverty and government must do more, 'worried' Gordon Brown tells Sky News

Gordon Brown has called on the government to carry out a "root and branch" review of Universal Credit amid growing poverty in the UK.
Sky News - Published

National Insurance to be cut from 12% to 10% - as state pension and Universal Credit to rise

National Insurance is to be cut by two percentage points, the chancellor has announced in his autumn statement - as he pledged to "honour the triple lock in full" and increase Universal Credit.
Sky News - Published

Families on Universal Credit to receive hundreds more pounds from end of June

families on universal credit to receive hundreds more pounds from end of june
Families on benefits will be able to claim hundreds of pounds more in childcare payments from the end of June, the government has announced.
Sky News - Published

Tory deputy chairman claims it is a 'myth' people on Universal Credit are in poverty

tory deputy chairman claims it is a 'myth' people on universal credit are in poverty
Deputy chairman of the Conservative Party Lee Anderson has said it is a "myth" that people on Universal Credit are in poverty.
Sky News - Published

Calls for emergency increase to Universal Credit as report finds some families £1,600 worse off

calls for emergency increase to universal credit as report finds some families £1,600 worse off
The next prime minister is facing calls to immediately increase Universal Credit payments to stop vulnerable people spiralling further into poverty when fuel bills increase again this winter.
Sky News - Published

Chancellor's Universal Credit changes come into force today - but charities issue warning

chancellor's universal credit changes come into force today - but charities issue warning
Universal Credit claimants will begin to be told how changes to the benefits system will bolster their incomes ahead of Christmas - but there are warnings that millions of families will still be worse..
Sky News - Published

Ex-Tory MP jailed for sexual assault now claiming benefit as he tells court he can't pay costs

ex-tory mp jailed for sexual assault now claiming benefit as he tells court he can't pay costs
An ex-Conservative MP who was jailed for sexual assault has revealed he is unemployed and currently making a Universal Credit claim as he was hauled before a court over unpaid costs.
Sky News - Published

Universal Credit taper rate changes - what is it and how many will it affect?

universal credit taper rate changes - what is it and how many will it affect?
The chancellor has announced a change in Universal Credit by altering the "taper rate" after being heavily criticised for cutting the £20 uplift.
Sky News - Published

Tory councillor apologises after colleagues make 'insensitive' bet on Universal Credit cut

tory councillor apologises after colleagues make 'insensitive' bet on universal credit cut
A Tory councillor has apologised after his colleagues held a sweepstake on when Labour would bring up the controversial Universal Credit cut in a recent meeting.
Sky News - Published

End of Universal Credit uplift will have significant effect on claimants, study says

end of universal credit uplift will have significant effect on claimants, study says
Scrapping the £20 Universal Credit uplift will have a significant effect on claimants, according to a new report - which also says the benefit can be "complex and confusing".
Sky News - Published

Marcus Rashford says honorary degree for fighting child poverty is 'bittersweet' after Universal Credit cuts

marcus rashford says honorary degree for fighting child poverty is 'bittersweet' after universal credit cuts
Marcus Rashford has revealed how it felt "bittersweet" to receive an honorary degree for fighting child poverty the day after the Universal Credit uplift was retracted.
Sky News - Published

'If this continues people are going to die' - stark warning about impact of Universal Credit cut

'if this continues people are going to die' - stark warning about impact of universal credit cut
"I try not to let people in here because I get embarrassed," says 29-year-old Lynton Lockett, standing in his kitchen in Burnley.
Sky News - Published

'It does not come close': Growing anger over £500m fund for vulnerable families as Universal Credit cut

'it does not come close': growing anger over £500m fund for vulnerable families as universal credit cut
The government is facing increasing anger over introducing a £500m fund for vulnerable families as it cuts Universal Credit payments.
Sky News - Published

'I can't sleep at night': Families on Universal Credit seven times more likely to face a crisis

Families on Universal Credit are seven times more likely to face a crisis paying their bills and debts than others, according to new research for Sky News from the Resolution Foundation.
Sky News - Published

PM refuses to budge on benefit cuts despite taxpayers footing bill to support US-owned CO2 producer

pm refuses to budge on benefit cuts despite taxpayers footing bill to support us-owned co2 producer
Taxpayers will help pay for the operating costs of a US-owned fertiliser manufacturer amid the ongoing energy crisis - just weeks after the government announced it was cutting Universal Credit and..
Sky News - Published

Young people 'at risk of repeat homelessness' if Universal Credit uplift cut, charities warn

young people 'at risk of repeat homelessness' if universal credit uplift cut, charities warn
Cutting the £20-a-week Universal Credit increase will put young people at risk of repeat homelessness, more than 40 charities have warned.
Sky News - Published

Boris Johnson under pressure to keep Universal Credit £20 uplift

boris johnson under pressure to keep universal credit £20 uplift
Boris Johnson is facing pressure from MPs as well as protesters to cancel his planned cut to Universal Credit.
Sky News - Published

Work and pensions secretary 'entirely happy' with benefits cut - despite senior Tories' warning

work and pensions secretary 'entirely happy' with benefits cut - despite senior tories' warning
Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey has told Sky News she is "entirely happy" with a £20 per week cut to Universal Credit, despite calls from senior Conservatives to keep the benefits uplift.
Sky News - Published

'Level up' the country by scrapping benefits cut and backing pay rises, Boris Johnson told

'level up' the country by scrapping benefits cut and backing pay rises, boris johnson told
Boris Johnson is being urged to "level up" Britain by backing pay rises for workers, scrapping his proposed cut in Universal Credit and tackling child poverty.
Sky News - Published

Tax hikes, benefit cuts, social care, the crisis in Afghanistan: PM faces grilling from MPs as parliament returns

Boris Johnson is set to face a significant amount of opposition from MPs over his handling of the Afghanistan crisis, possible plans to hike national insurance, and cutting the Universal Credit uplift..
Sky News - Published

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ministers call on UK government to keep Universal Credit uplift

scotland, wales and northern ireland ministers call on uk government to keep universal credit uplift
Ministers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are calling on the UK government to keep the £20 uplift to Universal Credit in place beyond the current October deadline.
Sky News - Published

Conservative MPs call on Boris Johnson to make Universal Credit uplift permanent

conservative mps call on boris johnson to make universal credit uplift permanent
Boris Johnson is facing pressure from members of his own Conservative backbenches to reverse plans to cut Universal Credit payments from October.
Sky News - Published

'Biggest overnight cut in benefits since Second World War': Charity voices fears over end of Universal Credit uplift

'biggest overnight cut in benefits since second world war': charity voices fears over end of universal credit uplift
A charity has raised its concerns about the looming end of the £20-a-week uplift to Universal Credit, describing it as the "biggest overnight cut in benefits since the Second World War". 
Sky News - Published