
Ebon Moss-Bachrach

American actor (born 1977)

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Ebon Moss-Bachrach: American actor (born 1977)
Ebon Moss-Bachrach is an American actor, best known for his role as restaurant manager Richie Jerimovich in the comedy-drama series The Bear (2022–present), for which he was awarded the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series in addition to a Golden Globe Award nomination.

'The Bear' Unveils Season 3 Teaser, FX Announces Premiere Date | THR News Video [Video]

'The Bear' Unveils Season 3 Teaser, FX Announces Premiere Date | THR News Video

Yes, chef! We now know when season three of 'The Bear' will premiere. The FX series starring Jeremy Allen White will drop all 10 episodes of its third installment on Hulu on June 27th. Along with the..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:41Published
Julia Garner Joins Marvel’s 'Fantastic Four' Cast as Silver Surfer | THR News Video [Video]

Julia Garner Joins Marvel’s 'Fantastic Four' Cast as Silver Surfer | THR News Video

Julia Garner is joining 'Fantastic Four!' It's been confirmed that Garner has been cast as Silver Surfer, playing a version of the character in the Matt Shakman directed feature. The new 'Fantastic..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 01:08Published

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