
65803 Didymos

Near-Earth asteroid

65803 Didymos    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

65803 Didymos: Near-Earth asteroid
65803 Didymos is a sub-kilometer asteroid and binary system that is classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid and near-Earth object of the Apollo group. The asteroid was discovered in 1996 by the Spacewatch survey at Kitt Peak, and its small 160-meter minor-planet moon, named Dimorphos, was discovered in 2003. Due to its binary nature, the asteroid was then named Didymos, the Greek word for 'twin'.

ESA's space probe captures detailed images of Mars and its mysterious moon [Video]

ESA's space probe captures detailed images of Mars and its mysterious moon

ESA's space probe captures detailed images of Mars and its mysterious moon Space probe Hera passed Mars while on its way to the Didymos asteroid system as part of planetary defence mission. READ..

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 00:55Published

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