

Geographical region in South America

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Patagonia: Geographical region in South America
Patagonia is a geographical region that includes parts of Argentina and Chile at the southern end of South America. The region includes the southern section of the Andes mountain chain with lakes, fjords, temperate rainforests, and glaciers in the west and deserts, tablelands, and steppes to the east. Patagonia is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and many bodies of water that connect them, such as the Strait of Magellan, the Beagle Channel, and the Drake Passage to the south.

Humpback whale swallows, then releases, kayaker in Chilean Patagonia [Video]

Humpback whale swallows, then releases, kayaker in Chilean Patagonia

A humpback whale briefly swallowed kayaker Adriรกn Simancas in the Chilean Patagonia before releasing him unharmed.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:00Published

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