
Geoff Garin

American pollster (born 1953)

Geoff Garin    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Geoff Garin is an American pollster, who served as co-chief strategist for the latter part of Senator Hillary Clinton's 2008 Presidential campaign. He was a pollster and strategist in 2011-2012 for Priorities USA Action, the superPAC that supported Barack Obama's reelection, and currently serves in those same roles for Priorities USA in support of Hillary Clinton's election as president.

‘New York Times’ Poll Indicates Trouble for Biden [Video]

‘New York Times’ Poll Indicates Trouble for Biden

‘New York Times’ Poll , Indicates Trouble for Biden. Donald Trump was found to be "leading in five out of six swing states," 'The Hill' reports. . Wisconsin is the only swing state where Biden..

Credit: Wibbitz Top Stories     Duration: 01:31Published

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