
Ba'ath Party

Syrian political party (1947–1966)

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Ba'ath Party: Syrian political party (1947–1966)
The Arab Socialist Baʿth Party, also anglicized as Ba'ath in loose transcription, with baʿth meaning resurrection, was a political party founded in Syria by Mishel ʿAflaq, Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Bīṭār, and associates of Zakī al-ʾArsūzī. The party espoused Baʿathism, which is an ideology mixing Arab nationalist, pan-Arab, Arab socialist, and anti-imperialist interests. Baʿthism calls for the unification of the Arab world into a single state. Its motto, "Unity, Liberty, Socialism", refers to Arab unity and freedom from non-Arab control and interference.


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