
Gezi Park protests

Protests in Turkey

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Gezi Park protests: Protests in Turkey
A wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Turkey began on 28 May 2013, initially to contest the urban development plan for Istanbul's Taksim Gezi Park. The protests were sparked by outrage at the violent eviction of a sit-in at the park protesting the plan. Subsequently, supporting protests and strikes took place across Turkey, protesting against a wide range of concerns at the core of which were issues of freedom of the press, of expression and of assembly, as well as the AKP government's erosion of Turkey's secularism. With no centralised leadership beyond the small assembly that organised the original environmental protest, the protests have been compared to the Occupy movement and the May 1968 events. Social media played a key part in the protests, not least because much of the Turkish media downplayed the protests, particularly in the early stages. Three and a half million people are estimated to have taken an active part in almost 5,000 demonstrations across Turkey connected with the original Gezi Park protest. Twenty-two people were killed and more than 8,000 were injured, many critically.

VIDEO| Violent Brawl Breaks Out in Turkish Parliament After Ruling Party MP Attacks Opposition MP [Video]

VIDEO| Violent Brawl Breaks Out in Turkish Parliament After Ruling Party MP Attacks Opposition MP

A brawl erupted in Turkey's parliament during a debate on imprisoned opposition lawmaker Serafettin Can Atalay. The fight began when a ruling party MP punched an opposition colleague who called the..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:36Published

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