

Agency of the European Union tasked with external border control

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Frontex: Agency of the European Union tasked with external border control
The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, commonly known as Frontex, is an agency of the European Union headquartered in Warsaw, Poland. In coordination with the border and coast guards of member states, it exercises border control of the European Schengen Area, a task within the area of freedom, security and justice domain. Formally, the Agency's remit is to "support Member States on the ground in their efforts to protect the external borders"; it does not have authority to act otherwise unless "external border control" [by a member state] "is rendered ineffective to such an extent that it risks jeopardising the functioning of the Schengen area".

NGO rescue missions in the Mediterranean 'not a pull factor' for migrants, Frontex chief says [Video]

NGO rescue missions in the Mediterranean 'not a pull factor' for migrants, Frontex chief says

Irregular crossing of EU borders has decreased by over a third in 2024 so far.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:42Published

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