
Big Oil

Largest publicly traded oil and gas companies, also known as supermajors

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Big Oil: Largest publicly traded oil and gas companies, also known as supermajors
Big Oil is a name sometimes used to describe the world's six or seven largest publicly traded and investor-owned oil and gas companies, also known as supermajors. The term, particularly in the United States, emphasizes their economic power and influence on politics. Big Oil is often associated with the fossil fuels lobby and also used to refer to the industry as a whole in a pejorative or derogatory manner.

What lobbying footprint does Big Oil have on EU climate policy? [Video]

What lobbying footprint does Big Oil have on EU climate policy?

Two new reports have claimed to show just how much influence fossil fuel company lobbying has on EU climate policymaking.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 02:02Published

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