
Trades Union Congress

Trade union centre in England and Wales

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Trades Union Congress: Trade union centre in England and Wales
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) is a national trade union centre, a federation of trade unions that collectively represent most unionised workers in England and Wales. There are 48 affiliated unions with a total of about 5.5 million members. Paul Nowak is the TUC's current General Secretary, serving from January 2023.


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One in two LGBT+ workers bullied or harassed, 'shocking' TUC survey finds

one in two lgbt+ workers bullied or harassed, 'shocking' tuc survey finds
One in two LGBT+ employees are facing "shockingly high levels" of bullying and harassment at work, a survey has found. 
Sky News - Published

Fire and rehire code of practice 'tinkering around the edges', TUC complains

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Sky News - Published

Tories accused of having 'broken Britain' with public services 'in crisis'

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Sky News - Published

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Sky News - Published

TUC announces 'national right to strike day' as unions vow to fight 'draconian' laws

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Sky News - Published

Union boss tells PM: Pay talks must start to stop strikes deadlock

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Sky News - Published

Government is 'sabotaging' efforts to resolve strike action, head of TUC says

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The government has been "sabotaging" efforts to resolve the wave of strikes continuing to sweep across the country, the new general secretary of the TUC has said.
Sky News - Published

Unions will coordinate strike action if government doesn't discuss pay, head of TUC suggests

There could be a "rolling wave" of industrial action next year with unions coordinating strikes on the same day, the new general secretary of the TUC has said.
Sky News - Published

Is Britain's year of strikes headed for an uprising? | Adam Boulton

is britain's year of strikes headed for an uprising? | adam boulton
At this year's Trade Union Congress (TUC), union leaders representing 5.5 million members called for "a special working group of willing unions which would organise coordinated action over pay and..
Sky News - Published

TUC calls for raise of minimum wage to £15 an hour 'to put an end to low-pay Britain'

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Sky News - Published

UK workers facing 'worst Christmas wage squeeze in almost a decade'

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Sky News - Published

One in five public sector key workers consider quitting, union says

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One in five public sector key workers are "actively considering" quitting and changing jobs, according to the Trade Union Congress.
Sky News - Published