
Eric Newman (producer)

American film producer

Eric Newman (producer)    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Eric Newman (producer): American film producer
Eric Newman is an American film and television producer and writer and the founder of Grand Electric, an LA-based production company with overall deals in both TV and film with Netflix. He is the showrunner of Narcos, Narcos: Mexico, True Story, and Zero Day.

Robert De Niro on Limited Series 'Zero Day' and How it Relates to Current State of Politics | THR News Video [Video]

Robert De Niro on Limited Series 'Zero Day' and How it Relates to Current State of Politics | THR News Video

'Zero Day' executive producer Eric Newman interviews star Robert De Niro for The Hollywood Reporter about the limited series. De Niro reveals what attracted him to this role, how the plot of the show..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 04:19Published

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