
Berlin Zoo

Zoo in Berlin, Germany

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Berlin Zoo: Zoo in Berlin, Germany
The Berlin Zoological Garden is the oldest surviving and best-known zoo in Germany. Opened in 1844, it covers 35 hectares and is located in Berlin's Tiergarten. With about 1,380 different species and over 20,200 animals, the zoo presents one of the most comprehensive collections of species in the world.

Watch: Berlin zoo's panda cubs Leni and Lotti debut to the public with their mother [Video]

Watch: Berlin zoo's panda cubs Leni and Lotti debut to the public with their mother

Since 31 January, visitors to Berlin Zoo have been able to watch panda cubs Leni and Lotti explore with their mother, Meng Meng. Visit in the morning for the best view.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:00Published
Berlin Zoo's new play area for baby pandas [Video]

Berlin Zoo's new play area for baby pandas

Berlin Zoo's five-month-old twin pandas, Leni and Lotti, have been exploring their new playroom.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:00Published
Christmas trees on the menu at Berlin Zoo [Video]

Christmas trees on the menu at Berlin Zoo

The elephants and giraffes at the German capital's zoo were able to enjoy unsold Christmas trees.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:00Published

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