
Roswell incident

UFO legend caused by 1947 balloon crash

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Roswell incident: UFO legend caused by 1947 balloon crash
The Roswell incident is a conspiracy theory which alleges that the 1947 crash of a United States Army Air Forces balloon near Roswell, New Mexico was actually caused by an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Operated from the nearby Alamogordo Army Air Field and part of the top secret Project Mogul, the balloon was intended to detect Soviet nuclear tests. After metallic and rubber debris was recovered by Roswell Army Air Field personnel, the United States Army announced their possession of a "flying disc". This announcement made international headlines but was retracted within a day. Obscuring the true purpose and source of the crashed balloon, the Army subsequently stated that it was a conventional weather balloon.

'Dangerous Aliens Already Living With Us': U.S Officer Exposes Hidden Facts About Aliens & UFOs [Video]

'Dangerous Aliens Already Living With Us': U.S Officer Exposes Hidden Facts About Aliens & UFOs

Former US military officer Luis Elizondo drops bombshell claims in his new book, 'Imminent โ€“ Inside The Pentagonโ€™s Hunt For UFOs.' Discover the startling details of his encounters with mysterious..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:45Published

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