
Fernanda Torres

Brazilian actress (born 1965)

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Fernanda Torres: Brazilian actress (born 1965)
Fernanda Pinheiro Monteiro Torres is a Brazilian actress and writer, known for both her comedic and dramatic roles. Born in Rio de Janeiro to actors Fernando Torres and Fernanda Montenegro, she has received numerous awards, including the Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actress for Love Me Forever or Never (1986).

Fernanda Torres Reveals Her Reaction To Oscar Nom & Life Growing Up In Brazil In A Family of Actors [Video]

Fernanda Torres Reveals Her Reaction To Oscar Nom & Life Growing Up In Brazil In A Family of Actors

Oscar nominee Fernanda Torres sat down with THR at her cover shoot and shared what life was like growing up in Brazil and how it mirrored her film I'm Still Here. She also discussed her reaction to the..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 06:49Published

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