
Leavesden, Hertfordshire

Human settlement in England

Leavesden, Hertfordshire    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Leavesden, Hertfordshire: Human settlement in England
Leavesden is a residential and commercial area in the northern part of Watford, England. It lies within the M25 Motorway. On its eastern side it is bounded by the M1 Motorway. Leavesden is split into two councils which are Watford Borough Council and Three Rivers District Council. Leavesden Green is an adjoining residential community which lies partly in Three Rivers and partly in the Borough of Watford.

Chancellor: Govt is ready to support creative industries [Video]

Chancellor: Govt is ready to support creative industries

The chancellor says the government is ready to support creative industries, after announcing film studios in England are to receive business rates relief for the next nine years. On a visit to the..

Credit: ODN     Duration: 00:33Published

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