
Blaise Diagne International Airport

Airport in Senegal

Blaise Diagne International Airport    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Blaise Diagne International Airport: Airport in Senegal
Blaise Diagne International Airport is an international airport near the town of Diass in Thiès Region, Senegal, 43 kilometres (27 mi) east of downtown Dakar. It serves as the main airport for Dakar, replacing Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport, which had become too small. It is named after Blaise Diagne, the first black African elected to France's parliament in 1914. Regular flights are operated to destinations across many parts of Africa, as well as to Europe, Macaronesia, the Middle East, and the USA.

Terrifying Video Of Boeing 777 Ablaze When Plane Skids Off On Senegal Runway | Watch [Video]

Terrifying Video Of Boeing 777 Ablaze When Plane Skids Off On Senegal Runway | Watch

A Boeing 737 aircraft carrying 85 passengers skidded off the runway at Dakar Airport, Senegal's capital, resulting in 10 injuries, as reported by the transport minister. Disturbing footage shared by a..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:03Published

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