

Major water Orisha from the Yoruba religion

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Yemọja: Major water Orisha from the Yoruba religion
Yemọja is the major water spirit from the Yoruba religion. She is the mother of all Orishas. She is also the mother of humanity. She is an orisha, in this case patron spirit of rivers, particularly the Ogun River in Nigeria, and oceans in Cuban and Brazilian orisa religions. She is often syncretized with either Our Lady of Regla in the Afro-Cuban diaspora or various other Virgin Mary figures of the Catholic Church, a practice that emerged during the era of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Yemọja is said to be motherly and strongly protective, and to care deeply for all her children, comforting them and cleansing them of sorrow. She is said to be able to cure infertility in women, and cowrie shells represent her wealth. She does not easily lose her temper, but when angered she can be quite destructive and violent, as the flood waters of turbulent rivers. Some of the priests of Yemọja believe that she used her fresh water to help Ọbàtálá in the molding of human beings out of clay.

Afro-Brazilians pay tribute to their sea goddess to mark the new year [Video]

Afro-Brazilians pay tribute to their sea goddess to mark the new year

Afro-Brazilians paid tribute to their sea goddess Yemanja in a New Year celebration on Rio's famous Copacabana beach.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:00Published

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