
Muhammad Ayyub

Imam, Qari and Islamic scholar in al-Medina, Saudi Arabia

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Muhammad Ayyub: Imam, Qari and Islamic scholar in al-Medina, Saudi Arabia
Muhammad Ayyub ibn Muhammad Yusuf ibn Sulaiman `Umar was a Saudi Arabian Imam, Qari, and Islamic scholar known for his recitation of the Quran. He was an Imam of Al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina, Saudi Arabia. He was also a faculty member of the Department of Tafsir in the Faculty of the Holy Qur'an and Islamic Studies at the Islamic University of Madinah and a member of the Scholarly Committee of the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran. His death occurred on 16 April 2016.

IDF Drone Strike Kills Hezbollah’s Rocket Unit Leader Muhammad Ayoub in Lebanon, U.S on-Alert| Watch [Video]

IDF Drone Strike Kills Hezbollah’s Rocket Unit Leader Muhammad Ayoub in Lebanon, U.S on-Alert| Watch

The Israeli military killed a senior Hezbollah rocket unit member, Muhammad Ayoub, in a drone strike in southern Lebanon amid a rare lull in attacks. U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein visited, aiming to..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:05Published

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