

Hand gesture in Indian religions

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Abhayamudra: Hand gesture in Indian religions
The abhayamudra is a mudra (gesture) that is the gesture of reassurance and safety, which dispels fear and accords divine protection and bliss in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Indian religions. The right hand is held upright, and the palm is facing outwards. This is one of the earliest mudras found depicted on a number of Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Sikh images.

Rahul Gandhi in U.S: Rahul Tears Into BJP, RSS and Modi Govt in Texas, USA | Oneindia News [Video]

Rahul Gandhi in U.S: Rahul Tears Into BJP, RSS and Modi Govt in Texas, USA | Oneindia News

Rahul Gandhi, addressing the Indian diaspora in Dallas, claimed that fear of the BJP and Prime Minister Modi has dissipated since the recent Lok Sabha election. He referenced his post-election..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 15:34Published

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