
Volgograd Oblast

First-level administrative division of Russia

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Volgograd Oblast: First-level administrative division of Russia
Volgograd Oblast is a federal subject of Russia, located in the lower Volga region of Southern Russia. Its administrative center is Volgograd. The population of the oblast was 2,500,781 in the 2021 Census.

Putin Poked Again: Ukraine-Launched Drone Sparks Fire at Russia's Volgograd Refinery | Video Out [Video]

Putin Poked Again: Ukraine-Launched Drone Sparks Fire at Russia's Volgograd Refinery | Video Out

In the Volgograd region of southern Russia, an oil refinery became the target of a drone attack believed to originate from Ukraine. Governor Andrey Bocharov confirmed reports of a brief fire resulting..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:19Published

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