
Rio Grande do Sul

State of Brazil

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Rio Grande do Sul: State of Brazil
Rio Grande do Sul is a state in the southern region of Brazil. It is the fifth-most-populous state and the ninth largest by area. Located in the southernmost part of the country, Rio Grande do Sul is bordered clockwise by Santa Catarina to the north and northeast, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Uruguayan departments of Rocha, Treinta y Tres, Cerro Largo, Rivera and Artigas to the south and southwest, and the Argentine provinces of Corrientes and Misiones to the west and northwest. The capital and largest city is Porto Alegre. The state has the highest life expectancy in Brazil, and the crime rate is relatively low compared to the Brazilian national average. Despite the high standard of living, unemployment is still high in the state, as of 2017. The state has 5.4% of the Brazilian population and it is responsible for 6.6% of the Brazilian GDP.

Dozens killed in major flooding in Brazil's southern Rio Grande do Sul state [Video]

Dozens killed in major flooding in Brazil's southern Rio Grande do Sul state

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and a team of government ministers and congress leaders have visited the flood zone.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:00Published
Floods in Brazil: Record Rainfall Displaces Thousands in Southern Brazil, Claims 75 Lives | OneIndia [Video]

Floods in Brazil: Record Rainfall Displaces Thousands in Southern Brazil, Claims 75 Lives | OneIndia

Devastating floods in Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul state have claimed 75 lives, with over 100 missing. President Lula da Silva and his cabinet are coordinating rescue efforts. Record-breaking floods..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 02:24Published
Brazil Rains: Death toll from heavy rains in Brazil jumps to 29, Lula visit the region | Oneindia [Video]

Brazil Rains: Death toll from heavy rains in Brazil jumps to 29, Lula visit the region | Oneindia

As Thursday night descended upon Brazil's southern Rio Grande do Sul (RHee-oo Grahnd-ee doo Soohl) state, the toll of lives lost due to heavy rains surged to 29, while an alarming count of 60..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:17Published
Brazil Rains: Heavy Rains In Southern Brazil Leaves 21 Missing, Multiple Dead| Oneindia News [Video]

Brazil Rains: Heavy Rains In Southern Brazil Leaves 21 Missing, Multiple Dead| Oneindia News

Heavy rain in Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul state caused ten deaths and left 21 missing. Governor Leite declared it the worst disaster in state history, seeking federal aid. President Lula plans to visit...

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 02:05Published

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