

Tamil Hindu festival

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Thaipusam: Tamil Hindu festival
Thaipusam or Thaipoosam is a Tamil Hindu festival celebrated on the first full moon day of the Tamil month of Thai coinciding with Pusam star. The festival is celebrated to commemorate the victory of Hindu god Murugan over the demon Surapadman. During the battle, Murugan is believed to have wielded a vel, a divine spear granted by his mother, Parvati.

Hundreds of thousands of worshippers gather in Malaysia for Thaipusam festival [Video]

Hundreds of thousands of worshippers gather in Malaysia for Thaipusam festival

Hindu faithful climbed the 272 steps of the Selangor temple for Thaipusam with prayers and offerings.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:00Published

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