
Creuse (river)

River in France

Creuse (river)    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Creuse (river): River in France
The Creuse is a 263-kilometre (163 mi) long river in western France, a tributary of the Vienne. Its source is in the Plateau de Millevaches, a north-western extension of the Massif Central.

France's Far-Right National Rally Surges in European Parliament Election Polls | Watch [Video]

France's Far-Right National Rally Surges in European Parliament Election Polls | Watch

France's far-right National Rally is forging ahead in the polls in the runup to European Parliament elections. In the department of La Creuse in central France, DW's Lisa Louis went on the campaign..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:25Published

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