
Orlivka, Izmail Raion, Odesa Oblast

Rural locality in Odesa Oblast, Ukraine

Orlivka, Izmail Raion, Odesa Oblast    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Orlivka is a village in Izmail Raion, Odesa Oblast, southern Ukraine. It belongs to Reni urban hromada, one of the hromadas of Ukraine.

Putin's Army Kills 270 Ukrainian Soldiers, Captures Tanks As War Trophies, Wins ORLOVKA & POGREBKI [Video]

Putin's Army Kills 270 Ukrainian Soldiers, Captures Tanks As War Trophies, Wins ORLOVKA & POGREBKI

Putin’s troops claim to have killed 270 Ukrainian soldiers and captured multiple tanks as war trophies amid its ongoing offensive. Moscow also announced the capture of Orlovka and Pogrebki, marking..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:44Published

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