
Zoya Akhtar

Indian film director (born 1972)

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Zoya Akhtar: Indian film director (born 1972)
Zoya Akhtar is an Indian film director and screenwriter who works in Hindi cinema. Born to Javed Akhtar and Honey Irani, she completed a diploma in filmmaking from NYU and assisted directors Mira Nair, Tony Gerber and Dev Benegal, before becoming an independent writer and director. She is the recipient of several accolades, including four Filmfare Awards. Akhtar, along with Reema Kagti, founded Tiger Baby Films, a film and web studio in October 2015.

Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Bollywood Leads the Way To Vote as Fifth Phase of Elections Open [Video]

Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Bollywood Leads the Way To Vote as Fifth Phase of Elections Open

Bollywood stars including Farhan Akhtar, Zoya Akhtar, Rajkummar Rao, Shriya Saran, Akshay Kumar, and veteran actor Shobha Khote proudly displayed their inked fingers after voting in the fifth phase of..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:52Published

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