
Wuqiu, Kinmen

Rural township in Fukien, Republic of China

Wuqiu, Kinmen    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Wuqiu, Kinmen: Rural township in Fukien, Republic of China
Wuqiu is a rural township of Kinmen County (Quemoy), Taiwan (ROC) made up of a group of islands in the Taiwan Strait comprising two major islands, Daqiu and Xiaoqiu. Wuqiu Township is nominally de jure part of Futian County, Fukien of the Republic of China. It is the smallest township in Kinmen County and is located 72 nmi (133 km) northeast of the rest of the county. The township is 73 nmi (135 km) from the Port of Taichung on Taiwan. The closest territory under China (PRC) control is the neighboring Luci Island, Xiuyu District, Putian, Fujian, which is 9 nmi (17 km) to the north-northwest. Greater Qiu Island is the site of the Wuqiu Lighthouse.

China Holds First-Ever Military Drills Simulating a Full-Scale Invasion of Taiwan [Video]

China Holds First-Ever Military Drills Simulating a Full-Scale Invasion of Taiwan

China Holds First-Ever , Military Drill Simulating a , Full-Scale Invasion of Taiwan. BBC reports that China has opened two days of military drills near Taiwan, calling the exercises..

Credit: Wibbitz Top Stories     Duration: 01:31Published

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