

Capital and largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Sarajevo: Capital and largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo is the capital and largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a population of 275,524 in its administrative limits. The Sarajevo metropolitan area including Sarajevo Canton, Istoฤno Sarajevo and nearby municipalities is home to 555,210 inhabitants. Located within the greater Sarajevo valley of Bosnia, it is surrounded by the Dinaric Alps and situated along the Miljacka River in the heart of the Balkans, a region of Southeastern Europe.

Why Bosnia's political integrity could depend on Sarajevo court's Republika Srpska verdict [Video]

Why Bosnia's political integrity could depend on Sarajevo court's Republika Srpska verdict

Why Bosnia's political integrity could depend on Sarajevo court's Republika Srpska verdict If Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, is convicted to a prison sentence by a Sarajevo federal..

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 00:55Published

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