

Closed city in Tomsk Oblast, Russia

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Seversk: Closed city in Tomsk Oblast, Russia
Seversk is a closed city in Tomsk Oblast, Russia, located 15 kilometers (9.3 mi) northwest of Tomsk on the right bank of the Tom River. The population was 108,590 at the 2010 census and 109,106 at the 2002 census.

Putin's FAB-1500, 'Cheap but Destructive' Bombs Hammer Major Ukrainian Cities |Russia Releases Video [Video]

Putin's FAB-1500, 'Cheap but Destructive' Bombs Hammer Major Ukrainian Cities |Russia Releases Video

Russian troops recently launched a massive airstrike on Ukrainian positions in the Donbass town of Seversk, using a powerful FAB-1500 bomb. According to reports from various Telegram channels, the..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:13Published

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