
Al-Quds Brigades

Palestinian paramilitary organisation

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Al-Quds Brigades: Palestinian paramilitary organisation
Al-Quds Brigades is a paramilitary organisation and the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), which is the second largest armed group in the Gaza Strip, after Hamas. AQB's leader is Ziyad al-Nakhalah, based in Damascus, Syria. The head of AQB in the Gaza Strip was Baha Abu al-Ata until he was killed in November 2019.

Al-Quds Forces Bomb Tulkarm: Gunfire and Explosions After Demolition of Abu Yassin’s Home | Watch [Video]

Al-Quds Forces Bomb Tulkarm: Gunfire and Explosions After Demolition of Abu Yassin’s Home | Watch

Al-Quds Brigade launched a powerful retaliation in Tulkarm after Israeli forces demolished the home of Palestinian detainee Mohammad Talal Abu Yassin. The demolition, part of Israel’s punitive..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:45Published

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