
United States Special Operations Command

Unified combatant command of the United States Armed Forces responsible for special operations

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United States Special Operations Command: Unified combatant command of the United States Armed Forces responsible for special operations
The United States Special Operations Command is the unified combatant command charged with overseeing the various special operations component commands of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force of the United States Armed Forces. The command is part of the Department of Defense and is the only unified combatant command created by an Act of Congress. USSOCOM is headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.

US Military Looks to Recruit Tech Experts While Cutting Overall Troop Numbers [Video]

US Military Looks to Recruit Tech Experts While Cutting Overall Troop Numbers

US Military Looks to , Recruit Tech Experts While , Cutting Overall Troop Numbers. United States special operations commanders have been tasked with cutting overall forces by 5,000 troops, while..

Credit: Wibbitz Top Stories     Duration: 01:31Published

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