
Bank of France

French central bank

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Bank of France: French central bank
The Bank of France is the French member of the Eurosystem. It was established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1800 as a private-sector corporation with unique public status. It was granted note-issuance monopoly in Paris in 1803 and in the entire country in 1848, issuing the French franc. Charles de Gaulle's government nationalized the bank in 1945 after several governance changes in the meantime. It remained France's sole monetary authority until end-1998, when France adopted the euro as its currency.

France spent €2bn on the Olympics - was it good for the economy? [Video]

France spent €2bn on the Olympics - was it good for the economy?

France spent €2bn on the Olympics - has the country benefited economically? Banque de France deputy governor, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré considers France’s current economic outlook.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 13:38Published

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