
Gayatri Mantra

Mantra of the Vedic tradition

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Gayatri Mantra: Mantra of the Vedic tradition
The Gāyatrī Mantra, also known as the Sāvitrī Mantra, is a sacred mantra from the Ṛig Veda, dedicated to the Vedic deity Savitr. It is known as "Mother of the Vedas".

US State Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi Recites Gayatri Mantra as Trump Asks to ‘Bring Back Religion’ [Video]

US State Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi Recites Gayatri Mantra as Trump Asks to ‘Bring Back Religion’

A U.S. State Representative recited the Gayatri Mantra at the U.S. Capitol, highlighting the growing recognition of Hindu traditions in American political spaces. The moment coincided with Donald..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:09Published

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