
Gilda Radner

American actress and comedian (1946–1989)

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Gilda Radner: American actress and comedian (1946–1989)
Gilda Susan Radner was an American actress and comedian. She was one of the seven original cast members of the "Not Ready for Prime Time Players" on the NBC sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live from its inception in 1975 until her departure in 1980. In her sketches on SNL, she specialized in parodies of television stereotypes, such as advice specialists and news anchors. She also played various original characters. In 1978, Radner won an Emmy Award for her performances on the show. She also portrayed those characters in her highly successful one-woman show Gilda, Live on Broadway in 1979 and later on film in 1980.

Judd Apatow on SNL’s Future, Political Satire & Growing Up Obsessed with the Show | SNL 50 [Video]

Judd Apatow on SNL’s Future, Political Satire & Growing Up Obsessed with the Show | SNL 50

Judd Apatow reflects on Saturday Night Live’s 50-year legacy, sharing childhood memories of watching John Belushi, Gilda Radner, and Bill Murray. He talks about recording and transcribing sketches as..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 02:33Published

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