
Highgate Cemetery

Place of burial in North London, England

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Highgate Cemetery: Place of burial in North London, England
Highgate Cemetery is a place of burial in north London, England, designed by architect Stephen Geary. There are approximately 170,000 people buried in around 53,000 graves across the West and East sides. Highgate Cemetery is notable both for some of the people buried there as well as for its de facto status as a nature reserve. The Cemetery is designated Grade I on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens.

Corbyn surprises Abbott with trip to the cemetery for date [Video]

Corbyn surprises Abbott with trip to the cemetery for date

Labour MP Diane Abbott reveals Jeremy Corbyn took her on a surprise date to see Karl Marx’s grave at Highgate cemetery. Report by Ajagbef. Like us on Facebook at and..

Credit: ODN     Duration: 00:12Published

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