
IFA Berlin

Trade exhibition in Germany

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IFA Berlin: Trade exhibition in Germany
The IFA or Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin is one of the oldest industrial exhibitions in Germany. Between 1924 and 1939 it was an annual event, but from 1950 it was held every other year until 2005. Since then it has become an annual event again, held in September. Today it is one of the world's leading trade shows for consumer electronics and home appliances.

IFA Berlin 2024: From ovens to TVs, how AI will soon be powering your home [Video]

IFA Berlin 2024: From ovens to TVs, how AI will soon be powering your home

How can AI and other tech help make running your home and kitchen more efficient? There were plenty of new ideas from top manufacturers at IFA Berlin.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:54Published
IFA Berlin 2024: Manufacturers rethinking how tech appliances can help cut your energy bills [Video]

IFA Berlin 2024: Manufacturers rethinking how tech appliances can help cut your energy bills

How can you slash the energy used at home? New kitchen and household appliances can make a difference, manufacturers say at the IFA Berlin electronics show.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:54Published
Hyper-charging the Kitchen: AI at IFA Berlin 2024 Electronics Show [Video]

Hyper-charging the Kitchen: AI at IFA Berlin 2024 Electronics Show

How can artificial intelligence and other tech help make running your home and kitchen more efficient and more fun? Plenty of new ideas from top manufacturers at IFA Berlin 2024, like Haier, Bosch and..

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:54Published

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