
Ansarullah (Ahmadiyya)


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Ansarullah (Ahmadiyya): Organization
Majlis Ansarullah is an auxiliary organization of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for men above forty years of age. It was founded in 1940 by Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, the second caliph of the Community. As an organization comprising the elders of the Community, it often provides intellectual and spiritual guidance for its younger members and has local and national leadership, with national leaders reporting directly to the caliph. Majlis Ansarullah are Ahmaddiya who believe in the coming of the promised messiah.

A Complete Showdown between Biden's Navy and Yemen's Houthis | Red Sea Conflict Escalates | Oneindia [Video]

A Complete Showdown between Biden's Navy and Yemen's Houthis | Red Sea Conflict Escalates | Oneindia

The US-led campaign to protect Israeli interests in the Red Sea has escalated into the "most intense" running sea battle the Navy has faced since World War II. According to an AP report quoting..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:22Published
‘We’ll Hit Harder Next Time!’: AlHouthi's Issues New Ominous Warning to Biden Amid Gaza War [Video]

‘We’ll Hit Harder Next Time!’: AlHouthi's Issues New Ominous Warning to Biden Amid Gaza War

AlHouthi, leader of Yemen's Ansarullah movement, vowed continued strikes on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier, which was hit twice this week, vowing "more impactful" future attacks. He..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:01Published
Houthi Threat Escalates: Angered at Israel’s Rafah Push, Yemen Rebels Announce Renewal of Attacks [Video]

Houthi Threat Escalates: Angered at Israel’s Rafah Push, Yemen Rebels Announce Renewal of Attacks

Abdul Malik al-Houthi, leader of Yemen's Ansarullah, warns of resuming ship targeting related to Israel's supply chain, escalating tensions over Israeli aggression in Rafah. Houthi's firm stance..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:32Published

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